Sword Art Online Wiki

Chapter 16.5

If you cannot report on the true nature of an actual chapter from the original work that was written by the original author due to your own moral predilections, I don't feel you have the right to call your website a wiki. Please reconsider your stance in the spirit of fair and unbiased reporting on this wonderful franchise. 17:36, January 2, 2013 (UTC)

Well the fact that it includes sex between character, in a hentai format, and while it was declared non-canon, while I agree that unbiased has its place there is also a matter of decency and profane which will either detract from our position as a proper wiki or open it up to a looser standard wiki. Of course if you could come up with a acceptable summary for the chapter that isn't explicit then I will happily include it, since I can not come up with one my stance will remain unchanged.—Preceding unsigned comment added by Dim1 (talkcontribs)
You mean Reki himself said it was non-canon? A long time ago I had a conversation on the canonicity of the chapter but I don't remember some of the details & don't see them in this section. Oh & was anything else in the fanfiction section? Another page calls the section "hidden" what is meant by that?—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)
16.5 work in this way: First, SAO was a web publication many years before it being printed into book. Second, On the author's site where SAO is originally serialized, it is divided into different sections, including a region for serialization, a region for other's doujin on his own series, a region for BBS, and there's also a hidden region in the site that include doujin creation with mature content and that part of the site can only be entered by directly typing the URL instead of clicking hyperlinks on the ordinary site, and 16.5 is included in that hidden part, so they are separate from the main web serialization. It is also written by different time compare to the original web series which started writing in year 2001. And in fact, after the publication of SAO novel, the part in the original chapter 16 of the web novel that have the possibility to lead to chapter 16.5 development had also been deleted from the published version together would many other more significant changes. So It would not be canon nor would it fit in to the published ver of SAO.
And his response to that had been made in a Sakura-Con panel.c933103 (talk) 05:42, June 27, 2014 (UTC)

Is there a way to see the response at that panel or know what he said in it? NEVER MIND I found it on my own. His reply makes the story seem less aesthetic, do the official publications still include Asuna braless in chapter 17? Oh & since it was hidden how did someone find it? -- 21:38, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

  1. We suggest you do not use "Talk" pages, as their structure is usually messy. Instead, we prefer people use the Forums. If your post regards the content of pages, and suggesting changes to the format and structure of this article, see the Editor Board.Otherwise, you can check out the other forums sections, for Questions, Rumors, or even Frequently Asked Questions
  2. There are numerous report on the response being made on that panel available over the internet. And it isn't really hard to find a non-linked page to those who familiar with it...especially while it is not linked, in the author's what-to-update page (when the time is 2002.) it said the inner area and just in my eyes will soon be updated.......(Although these descriptions are no longer seen even when it is year 2005)c933103 (talk) 21:45, June 28, 2014 (UTC)
And it is never included in any commercially released version. And please follow the guideline of changing what you had said after someone responded to your message or else you might have to face the corresponding consequence. p.s. Please use the forum instead of talk page like this.c933103 (talk) 22:37, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

By "Edit what you said after someone responded" do you mean "Add a signature"? I'll do that now, so sorry. & I will read the wikiguidelines after I have added signatures to anything without one. & by "read the what to update section" do you mean someone hacked the website & read it? -- 22:49, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

1. What I mean is http://swordartonline.wikia.com/wiki/Talk:Sword_Art_Online_Light_Novel_Volume_01?curid=13109&diff=84014&oldid=84006 <--this one.
2. the what to update section it mean his work plan that once available on his site.c933103 (talk) 22:59, June 28, 2014 (UTC)

What I asked was did let everyone see the work plan without them having to hack the website? & somewhere I read it was "written in a hentai FORMAT" what the heck-- 00:15, July 14, 2014 (UTC) is meant by "format"? In the novel does Asuna still wake up with no bra in chapter 17? -- 00:15, July 14, 2014 (UTC)

By "hentai format", I think they mean it has a drawn hentai adaptation(however, it's not official). And no, I do not believe Asuna woke up without a bra in Chapter 17. Fate (talk) 00:55, July 14, 2014 (UTC)

"Drawn" can't be the right word or else there'd be pictures. & for the latter you can check, Adobe or whatever I have doesn't seem compatible with downloading these volumes. -- 03:53, July 14, 2014 (UTC)

Pirating, be it successful or not, is not something we'll discuss here...c933103 (talk) 04:48, July 14, 2014 (UTC)